Rocky Herron spent thirty years in the DEA combatting illegal drug on the Border between San Diego and Tijuana and in Bolivia, but now he`s created a wakeup call to those who think deadly drugs are cool, because many have ended up in a cold grave…it`s entitled: “I choose my future.”
He outlined this to the World Boxing Council`s 59th Convention in Mexico City, saying that boxing is one way in which to encourage youngsters to stay on the right path, and not stay away into crime and drugs, which often go hand in gauntlet.
Rocky visits school, talking with young people, warning them not to be tricked into taking drugs, because the dealers want to get them hooked and dependent and in abject misery. In 2019, twenty thousand Mexicans, mostly the young, overdosed on drugs costing them their lives. The current fearful stat of such a death in the USA exceeds one hundred thousand. That`s more than automobile accidents or fatal shootings. Deadly!
San Diego is one of the safest cities in the United States, yet just a few hundred yards away Tijuana is the most dangerous city in the world. Rocky says that young people are tired of it. In 2018 he was told and he was warned that the youngsters there weren`t prepared to listen to his message. In fact, they were yearning for guidence.
Rocky has raised three daughters, now aged 26, 23 and 21. Narcotics have brushed all three of their lives. It could, it can and it might affect any of us at any time. No one is protected or immune from its insidious tentacles. He said: “The United States is the biggest drug using country in the World. We continue to point the finger at other nations, but all the money for this starts with us. The traffickers want our children to become addicted and their customers.”
The audience falls into a hushed you could hear a pin drop silence, as Rocky shows a photo of a couple who had overdosed. They tried to reach a hospital and died on the way, sprawled and gaping in their car with their young son horror struck in the back seat. A six year old wrote a letter to drug addicted dad saying: “Dear Dad, drugs are for babies.” A mother overdosed and three weeks later they found her body alongside her baby who had died from dehydration!
Then a gallery of photos of mostly smiling faces of young people who have died from overdoses. They range from early twenties, down to as young as eleven days old. Rocky warns that brash new trash drugs are on the market. Fentanyl is fifty times more powerful than heroin. It literally kills you in your tracks, stone dead.
Illicit drugs aren`t hip. Rather they are cruel, deadly and unforgiving. The panacea to this ALL EVIL is to say NO!