By James Blears
The visit of the World Boxing Council to Neza Bordo Prison, accompanied by the national and international media, showed a successful practical and functional way in which to rehabilitate those who serving sentences, genuinely seeking a second chance, by trying to pull themselves together via the work ethic of the Noble Art.
It might seem to be strange that trainers/coaches are teaching inmates how to throw, block, parry and slip punches. But it`s important to understand and appreciate that there`s all the world of difference between fighting and brawling as opposed to boxing, which itself takes time, patience, commitment, discipline and the hard slog dedication to stick at it, from beginning to end. For some, their first real achievement in life.
This is encapsulated in the: “KO Don`t throw the Towel in” Program, the latest chapter of which started on October 31st, in the Santiaguito, Neza Bordo and Terango prisons in the State of Mexico with young men volunteering to knuckle down and to train hard. An array of great champions kept them on the narrow and righteous with motivational talks. Humberto “Chiquita” Gonzalez, Ibeth “Roca” Zamora, Carlos “Principe” Cuadras, Cesar Bazan, Carlos Zarate and Guadalupe Martinez, with pearls of wisdom, experience of life`s hard knocks and plenty of encouragement. Isaac “Tortas” Bustos rolled up his sleeves and helped train the new boxers along with the coaches in the prisons. At this event in Neza they were joined by Jose “Jaguar” Aguirre, Lupe Pintor, David Picasso and Francisco “Bandido” Vargas. They were all kept busy signing autographs.
Also in attendance the Urugay Amateur Boxing Team of: Joaquin Faccjo, Thiago Medina, Santiago lencina, Sofia Caceres, Sebastian Gomez and Mauricio Gomez.
Dr Eunice Rendon Cardenas who`s the Director of this pioneering program said it is transforming many inmates. The vast majority of those who were taking drugs before starting on this path have beaten addiction and have re-united with family and friends. She explained that the aim is to dedicate with energy and enthusiasm and it`s working! Breaking down barriers within walls.
Inmate participant David, said that before all of this he was leading a drug addicted life of the streets, sad and alone. But This program has given him an opportunity with the help of colleagues and a phycologist, and he`s now a calmer person. Christian said he had been a very conflictive person doing drugs. But on this program, he has learned alongside his colleagues. He thanked psychologist Nellie for all of the invaluable help.
There at a training session in a large quadrangle, surrounded by smooth dark green walls. The young men hit pads and did jogging, and they combined as a team. Then six climbed up into the ring for three bouts and did a round of boxing with headgear. All the equipment was donated by Reyes. After the bell rang, following three minutes of boxing, handshakes and hugs. It was just great to see the dedication, passion, sportsmanship and comradeship.
World Boxing Council President Mauricio Sulaiman said it was great to be back at another event of Knockout, Don`t Thow In The Towel. He presented diplomas and a WBC shirt to each who had successfully completed the boxing course and praised their determination to show what they are made of. He said it`s been on their part an obligation to start a new cycle and a great motivation to re-integrate into society. to start anew! A great moment when all those involved in this…and there were many…climbed up into the ring for a group photo. Prison officials, alongside inmates, boxing champions, doctors, psychologists, coaches and the whole gamut.
Getting to this inner sanctum had almost been an odyssey. Security checks, concrete corridors, flights of stairs, turnstiles, then the canyons of cement outside. But often adorned by potted plants, a gorgeous purple Bor Gambelia, a garden with a water wheel in its epicenter. Courtesy and politeness from the inmates. One borrowed a pen to gain an autograph and weaved his way through the throng to punctiliously return it with thanks.
An eye opener concerning what can be achieved with a will and a way, plus a determination not to give up on people who`ve made mistakes, but want to work towards a future, for the sake of themselves, and the families who`ve stood by them in dark times, through thick and thin. They are the true champions!