Using prohibited substances or procedures to boost performance, is considered an unsportsmanlike practice as it generates unfair advantage over the opponent. It should and it must be noted that doping is strictly prohibited in all sports. It can and it does cause irreversible damage placing health in jeopardy and even risking death.
The pioneering WBC was the first to institute mandatory post-fight drug testing to prevent cheating, damage and tragedy.
The dream of our President for Life, Don José Sulaimán, is being fulfilled, thanks to the dedicated joint efforts of the WBC and VADA (Voluntary Anti-Doping Association) guided via the direction of its President Dr. Margaret Goodman with the Clean Boxing Program. It has developed an outstanding and comprehensive system, since its establishment in 2016. At that time it was implemented only to men boxers, but as of 2019 it was extended to women.
The WBC-VADA program is ambitious and far reaching. Its core main objective, as well as anti doping testing, is to educate athletes about the dangers and disadvantages that doping cause, in addition to the penalties for testing positive for prohibited substances, inside or outside of a competition.
You use…then you lose!
It is worth mentioning that it is mandatory to men´s boxing to all world champions and the first 15 classified in each division and, for women´s boxing to all champions and first 5 ranked fighters; however, any boxer can voluntarily enroll in the program.
How do I register and what are the commitments I make as an athlete?
* To be part of the CBP it is necessary to fill out 3 forms: Registration, Athlete Location and Therapeutic Use, and then send them along with a photograph to the email
* Understand what doping is, and please take time to watch the webinar that VADA and the WBC have prepared for athletes
* Inform the changes in the location if they are different from the information given in the first instance in the forms, as well as provide facilities for taking samples.
* Attend the resolutions issued by VADA and the WBC
* Know the list of prohibited substances issued by VADA, which you can consult in the following link:
Remember that doping is considered an unsportsmanlike practice since it improves performance in a dishonest way and is strictly prohibited in all sports, and is especially important in combat sports as it can cause irreversible damage that not only puts you at risk health, but can lead to the DEATH of you or your opponent.
Your body is your responsibility! and that as an athlete you have the OBLIGATION to know what you ingest into your body.